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Contributions are 501 (c)3 tax deductible and will be used by Community Power for charitable and educational purposes. Community Power is a 501(c)3 non-profit.

Become a Monthly Sustainer

Together, we're growing a grassroots movement that's fighting for an energy future that keeps our energy dollars local, is affordable for all, protects local communities and those where it is produced, meets our 21st century energy needs, and is safe for our planet. Please join us in growing a movement for an energy future that builds community wealth, advances social justice, and protects our communities and the planet by becoming a monthly sustainer at a level that works for you.

Looking for the ONE-TIME donation page? You can make a one-time contribution online or via check written to our shared office space at:


2720 E 22nd St

Minneapolis, MN 55406


Thank you for supporting this work!